Weigh In Results.....

Okay, so I have come back from my meeting feeling on top of the world for two reasons. The first reason is because I lost a kilo this week, that's right A KILO!!!!! The second reason is because I am now in single digits as to how much I need to lose. Grand total of all of my weight loss is 36.7 Kg but total lost on Weight Watchers of that is 21.7Kg, not a bad effort considering the time it has taken me. I am now only 9.7 Kg away from my goal. It is the most awesome feeling you can imagine. The end is clearly in sight and I have gained so much from losing the weight using Weight Watchers as my tool. I have made friendships, been given a new lease on life, feel more energetic and am a lot more happier than I used to be.

Since doing Weight Watchers I no longer have the urge to be depressed, every day is a new day and not once has my Bipolar Disorder interfered with my vision. At times I have given in to the odd craving and had such things as a Magnum which is a naughty 8 points!!! At the same time however, I have enjoyed myself along the way. I've set challenges for myself each week so as to spice things up and make it exciting. The challenges have ranged from trying a new dish to varying my exercise routine or even trying something new such as aqua aerobics classes and ice skating. I've never felt the urge to give it up and slide backwards. I figured I'd worked too hard and paid a lot of money to get this far, if I give up now it's all been a waste.

I go to the meetings hearing things I already know about the program, things that I learnt early on in my journey and I smile as I hear the leader recount what we've previously talked about. It has certainly made me realised that the focus and dedication I put into my weight loss has paid me back and I've even convinced a couple of people to come along for the ride and see the results for themselves.

This week's challenge is a good one and hopefully I will make it through the week without faltering. I will not say what the challenge is as I only answer to myself and everyone just gets to see the results :D

Until next time,


  1. Hi Sonya, Congratulations on your fantastic loss this week. Well Done!! You look fantastic and bet you feel even better for it. My weigh in day is today and i'm hoping for a kilo loss too. Fingers Crossed! Have a great day, Annette.

  2. Hi Annette,

    I hope you lost your kilo! I'm feeling very sore after a fitball class I did on Thursday. Am taking it easy at the moment because I am so sore but will get back in the saddle soon. Figure I can't push it too hard otherwise I will strain the muscles even further, just goes to show I haven't used them for a while!

