City To Bay

Hi there!

Well I guess after reading the title you might know what I am on about! The City to Bay run is on the 20th of September and yours truly decided it was time to challenge myself and enter! It is a little daunting to know that I have entered the huge category of 12Km run but I figure that I shall do it at intervals of walking and running so that I can get through the race.

However, my biggest problem is my fundraising efforts! I seem to have only raised $25 for a worthy cause such as The Animal Welfare League who here in SA take in thousands of abandoned and abused animals and find loving homes for them. The biggest problem with undertaking such a mammoth task as this is making sure there is enough food, bedding and toys for the animals to play with whilst they are there.

I decided to support this charity because my cat Shadow came from the Animal Welfare League and I got the most superb animal ever. He was abandoned at 14 weeks and left to die in the middle of nowhere when The Animal Welfare League came to his rescue. For the meager cost of $65 I received a kitten in healthy condition who had been vaccinated, micro-chipped and desexed. He is the most loving creature and has really warmed to our family but is very wary of strangers in and around the house.

Here is a photo of him:

So to honour the fact that I saved an animal from death and gave it a loving home I decided it was time to give something back. In the process it has meant that I have ramped up my exercise in the bid to get fit. Seeing as I only have 4 weeks to go until the big day I decided I would hit the pavement to try and increase my fitness. It has been all systems go and I even purchased a Wii Fit to help me improve my posture, balance, muscle tone and aerobic fitness for when I am unable to get out of the house. I have also improved my diet a little by choosing wisely - something I did on Friday night when I had a birthday to go to and knowing the food on offer would be high in calories, I made the smart choice to eat at home and pass on the cheesecake for dessert. I was proud of myself for having made the choice and sticking to my guns but I feel that to do anything else is going backwards. On another note, all of this healthy living is also making me lose weight. I have lost 800g this week and I am jumping for joy. I figure the more times I can go for a walk after work and even on weekends, the better I feel, the better my moods and the more I see my body change. Right now it hurts as I have stretched muscles that haven't been used in a while but I shall get there, one day at a time.

If you would like to make a donation you can go to my hero page at and help out this worthy cause!

Until next time,

Healthy Life Awards

I have just entered the Weight Watchers Healthy Life Awards!

Please help me with the People's Choice Awards by voting for me!

Healthy Life Awards

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Hello Dolly!

Hello Dolly is what I say to myself every morning now. I get up and look in the mirror and see this young thing staring back at me who wasn't there 2 years ago. Vibrant skin, bounce in the step and preening, oh so much preening!!! It is hard not to preen when you feel ultra good about yourself. You want to wear nice clothes, you want to put make up on and you definitely feel like smiling.

This week has me smiling a little bit more. Not only am I working, I am also a little lighter this week, 600g in fact. Not a huge amount but a significant loss and one I am proud of! I felt motivated when Tony suggested a 3Km walk back from the mechanic's last week in the rain, holding the umbrella for me whilst I walked next to him. I also felt motivated when I walked into KFC on Friday night and walked out again with a treat for my kids and nothing for myself, it was liberating and the funny thing was, I couldn't believe how awful the chip I tried tasted when I ate it. The grease literally coated my tongue (it is always a test for me to try out the foods I once considered a staple in my diet and see if I still liked them) and made me feel like I had licked a cold, greasy frypan. It was disgusting and I'm so glad I hate that kind of food. I literally went home and made a healthy, yummy lentil burger which tasted oh so good!!!! Nothing better than healthy food, particularly when you grow it yourself!!!!

This week has seen me eating cos lettuce out of our very own vegie patch. It is exciting watching it grow. We also have a beautiful head of broccoli forming, it is now the size of a tennis ball and so awesome because there are no chemicals on it!! Next week will see the arrival of our chooks, how nice will it be to poach an egg from a chook that has been organically fed and is also free range!!! Can't wait to see the difference in yolk colour!!

I have to admit that all the hard efforts of growing vegies, composting scraps for fertiliser and having my own chooks is only paying off for my vital organs. No longer am I a slave to the beasts lurking potentially if I had continued my previous lifestyle, now I see freedom and happiness in the future.

It is all about what you want more out of life, the right now or right tomorrow, I know what I've decided is more important, how about you?

Until next time,
