No Time Like The Present

I've been doing a lot of soul searching of late and have decided that it is time for some Carpe Diem. For those of you not in the know it means "seize the day". I find it to be very inspirational as it means making the most of every day and ensuring that I am always happy.

I also figured it was time to reassess what is/isn't working in my little world and fix it. That has meant a major spring clean throughout the house working my way through each room. Funnily enough it started because I was cleaning the house ready for my first Tupperware party in my own home and I realised as I was cleaning that my house was in a state of disrepute as I went from room to room cleaning the mess my offspring, husband and I left behind. It was like going to a wake as I started and realised how much dust and muck was in my house. Not something I would readily admit but it inspired me to give the house a thorough going over and really assess the things that are stored in cupboards but do not get used. I became really enthusiastic, particularly after I was able to order an enormous amount of Tupperware for free. It will make life so much easier having it in the house, organising my pantry and ensuring that all of the kitchen tasks I perform are done with ease. It also looks really smart compared to the tonnes of coffee jars I am using as fill-ins. I also rediscovered my sense of self along the way too and decided to budge the stubborn kilos that had crept onto my body over winter.

Let's just say that the scales were none too kind when I stepped on them to reveal my current weight and it was like rediscovering an old friend when I started counting my points again, weighing and measuring my food and avoiding the nasties that lurk around every corner. I also feel much better knowing that I am getting back to the old me of last year where I was a lot happier in myself and weighed a lot less. Looking forward to the scales smiling at me again. I'm also rediscovering the foods which made me feel happy too like Weight Watchers ice cream and tuna salad which I wouldn't eat in winter as it was too cold and I wanted warmer foods (and I wonder how the weight went on!) but now that Spring has sprung I am moving forwards and there is no time like the present.

Let's hope there are some new developments along the way.
Until next time,
