Hello & Welcome

Hi there,

My name is Sonya and this is my blog. Firstly I would like to say welcome to the continuation of a long journey which started in 2007.

To give you an idea of where I have come from and where I am going, I shall give you the story of what happened to me to bring me to this point in my life and how it has made me determined to keep going.

In 2007 I was obese and depressed. I hated myself and didn't want to look in the mirror.

I went to a birthday party for my father in law in May 2007. We went to a beautiful restaurant that served my favourite food - Italian. I was in 7th heaven as I ate garlic bread, bruschetta, steak diane and white chocolate mud cake. Driving home however I started to feel violently ill. I went to bed and woke up the next morning feeling like I had gastro. I recovered but found that whenever I made anything with a rich flavour containing tomatoes, capsicum, garlic and onion, I felt physically sick and had really bad heartburn and stomach cramps. I knew something was wrong. I was 115Kg and very sick.

I saw my GP and asked for a referral to a gastroenterologist. I wanted to see if I had a stomach ulcer or any other problems with my stomach. I was booked in for an endoscopy after a full family history questionnaire. Although I was the right age (30) to be getting an ulcer, I didn't have one and was diagnosed as healthy. This frustrated me so I decided to go back to bland, basic food in order to keep going. My meals were rice and steamed vegetables. I ate bland cereal with no toppings other than a banana and milk. It was not a good diet and one which left me craving for fun food. After 12 weeks I had dropped 15 Kg and felt better so I decided to try normal foods. Over the next few months I put weight back on. After being on a bland diet for so long, all the cake and stuff I ate encouraged my body to regain 5.4 Kgs. I was starting to go backwards and I was deeply unhappy.

A friend visited me one day and I told her how desperate I was to lose more weight. She suggested I come to a Weight Watchers meeting with her. I arrived feeling overwhelmed by it all. I rang home after seeing how many people were in the room and begged my hubby to let me join Weight Watchers, which he agreed to, so I signed up that night.

I have been steadily going to Weight Watchers for over a year and have lost a total of 25 Kg to reach the top end of the healthy BMI scale of 25, and I am still going. I want to have a goal weight of 74 Kg.

I wish I had joined Weight Watchers a lot sooner, I would have felt as free as I do now a lot earlier in life.

Enjoy my blog.

