What Happened????

Okay, can someone please explain to me what happened? One minute I was blissfully living in the world of the skinny whereby I was a healthy weight and everything was going good. In the last year I have piled on the kilos - 10 to be exact and feeling very down about it.

I've looked at the new Weight Watchers ProPoints information and am getting back to the old me again by re-evaluating what I am eating, what I am doing and how I am doing it. Gone are the trips to the fat lane and back to the "losing weight" lane. I can't deny that I have not been blinded by food and the "I am thin" mentality when really I can see the muffin top in the mirror after doing up my favourite pants only to find them a little tight. Luckily I am a person who puts weight on all over but sometimes that can be a curse when you can't see the kilos from the scales on your body.

So it is back to the drawing board and let's hope that I can salvage my body back to the beginning when I was a beautiful 80.4Kg and looked wonderful instead of the person I see in the mirror now. I am angry with myself for not paying attention, for sliding back, for denying I was putting on weight, but let's face it, there is no denying it now. I simply must get back to my former shape so that I can feel sexy again, particularly seeing as I am close to mid-30s and will gradually get to the stage where losing weight is a lot harder than before.

So for now I admit I am human and have the same failings as everyone else and get right back on the wagon that I fell off of and rejoin the world of the Weight Watchers Slimmers Club.

Until the next installment,

No Time Like The Present

I've been doing a lot of soul searching of late and have decided that it is time for some Carpe Diem. For those of you not in the know it means "seize the day". I find it to be very inspirational as it means making the most of every day and ensuring that I am always happy.

I also figured it was time to reassess what is/isn't working in my little world and fix it. That has meant a major spring clean throughout the house working my way through each room. Funnily enough it started because I was cleaning the house ready for my first Tupperware party in my own home and I realised as I was cleaning that my house was in a state of disrepute as I went from room to room cleaning the mess my offspring, husband and I left behind. It was like going to a wake as I started and realised how much dust and muck was in my house. Not something I would readily admit but it inspired me to give the house a thorough going over and really assess the things that are stored in cupboards but do not get used. I became really enthusiastic, particularly after I was able to order an enormous amount of Tupperware for free. It will make life so much easier having it in the house, organising my pantry and ensuring that all of the kitchen tasks I perform are done with ease. It also looks really smart compared to the tonnes of coffee jars I am using as fill-ins. I also rediscovered my sense of self along the way too and decided to budge the stubborn kilos that had crept onto my body over winter.

Let's just say that the scales were none too kind when I stepped on them to reveal my current weight and it was like rediscovering an old friend when I started counting my points again, weighing and measuring my food and avoiding the nasties that lurk around every corner. I also feel much better knowing that I am getting back to the old me of last year where I was a lot happier in myself and weighed a lot less. Looking forward to the scales smiling at me again. I'm also rediscovering the foods which made me feel happy too like Weight Watchers ice cream and tuna salad which I wouldn't eat in winter as it was too cold and I wanted warmer foods (and I wonder how the weight went on!) but now that Spring has sprung I am moving forwards and there is no time like the present.

Let's hope there are some new developments along the way.
Until next time,

It's my party and I'll celebrate my way!!!!

Well, I've finally turned the ripe old age of 33 and am looking forward to what life has in store for me within the next year. I can honestly say that it is nice to be 33 and slim. I've always enjoyed being myself when I've been thinner and the past 2 and a half years have been fantastic as I've slimmed down and regained my healthy, happy disposition. I'm still watching what I eat (may I add that Weight Watchers new Butter Chicken is delicious!) and I still try to ensure that I get some incidental exercise in by walking up and down the building at work, parking further away from the bank and the post office and making sure that I climb the stairs at home lots.

I have to say that the second half of this year will be fantastic as I start Tafe in August, celebrate my wonderful husband's 40th birthday in November and then there is a wonderful Christmas to be had later on. The rule for the moment is to enjoy each day as much as possible because life is always full of surprises. I'm definitely looking forward to the next 33 years and I figure there are going to be a lot more laughs than there already have been.

I'm definitely looking forwards as I ensure that I keep active, eat right, get the right amount of sleep and enjoy the spring in my step.

Until next time,


I got into TAFE!!!!! Yippee!!!!!

Now to go and enrol on the 20th of July. I am so excited that I was successful with my application. Now comes the fun part!!!! However, not all is well in the land of weight loss. It seems that a downfall to the cold weather has meant that I have been ultra hungry. This has led to a shock weight gain which I will not reveal as I feel utterly stupid and small about it. Just goes to show that I am not immune to setbacks and this one has left me reeling. I have decided to charge at it full steam in order to turn it around. I just hope that I can do it well enough to keep it off. I can say that it isn't hard to put it back on and I definitely wish that I hadn't but the scales do not lie. I guess I have been blissfully ignorant about it and have now been caught by it. Let's hope that I've learned from it otherwise my time at Weight Watchers was wasted. I certainly don't want to end up where I was 2 years ago. *SIGH* I can't blame anyone but myself so I am just owning it and am moving on and dealing with it. Not the best news but at least it is something I can monitor and change. I must be getting wiser, not sure if it has anything to do with my impending birthday next Sunday but who knows.

Until next time,

Waiting, Waiting!!!

I have had my application submitted to Satac for my course and now I play the waiting game. I find out in 2 weeks whether I managed to get in. I'm really excited about it and can't wait to find out. Tony reckons I am a shoo-in to get in but we'll see. I am focusing this week on trying to reduce the amount of food I have been consuming. I have felt like a bear in winter, stocking up my body with food in order to hibernate but because I operate 365 days of the year, I figured it was time to put what I have learnt from Weight Watchers into action again and start tracking my food properly.

This will help motivate me I think into bigger and better things. At the moment I am also trialling something else which I am keeping secret because I want to see if I can survive without it. It has been a number of years since I first needed it so I want to try living in the real world without chemical help. I do not have any vices as such that have detrimental effects so to do this would mean that I would be like everyone else. We'll see what happens! I am being monitored by Tony and I have told him to watch for any downfall in my behavior, sleep patterns, energy levels and general overall demeanor.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend except for the early start tomorrow for soccer. I am starting to resent the fact that the games are so early in the morning. However, I digress that if said child would like to be in the state team as she sees her future, then I can't say no to her playing.

Here's to a good weekend!

Until next time,

It is time to move forwards!

Hi Everyone,

Well, after much deliberation and thought I have taken the plunge and moved forwards. After having a carrot dangled in front of my eyes to do more study which will come at some point from my employer I was tempted to look into courses. I already have a Certificate III in Financial Services but I never went to the next step. The time has finally come to conquer it now that I have my confidence back and feel like I can do things.

On the Anzac Day weekend in Melbourne I managed to conquer my fear of heights and went up 88 floors. I stood on the viewing platform with the wind whipping about my face as I came to terms with how high up I was. I then took it that one step further and went into The Edge which is an elevator cubicle that is made mostly out of glass, except for a few steel beams about the place and was taken out of the building. The glass had some special effects and the next thing I knew I was looking down 88 floors at the world below me. I was scared but excited and was then told the glass could hold 10 tonnes no problem, I then felt brave enough to lie down on the glass with my hands pressed and looked at the world below.

Afterward I felt exhilarated and decided my next challenge would be to abseil down the falls back home so that will be my birthday present. I don't want a party or cake, I just want to enjoy life and experience things I've never been brave enough to do.

I think I now have the confidence to finish what I started and go on and do the Certificate IV in Financial Services. I have to wait until July to find out if I have obtained a place and the waiting is killing me! If I get in then I will make it my personal goal to go all the way to the Advanced Diploma. I know I can do this!

Until next time,

Back To Basics

Hi Everyone,

Yet again I have been MIA but for a very good reason! My sister is getting married and I have been madly helping her co-ordinate a bridal shower, had dress fittings, scouted around for shoes to match the dress I have to wear on the big day, been very sick with a chest infection and am now sick with a sinus infection/cold but I am not letting it beat me and I'm trying to stay away from antibiotics as they gave me another nasty infection, it has been a real roller-coaster ride the past month and a bit!

Well, with my positive attitude now back in force more than before I am concentrating my efforts on trying to shift the stubborn weight I have left to go as well as the weight I have put on from the antibiotics.

Today saw me getting back to basics. Revisiting the tried and true methods I used in the beginning of my journey I have managed to go for a walk today for an hour, make points free vegetable soup to eat for lunch which should pump the vitamins through my weary body and I've drunk so many fluids also which has seen me and the porcelain become very good friends.

It will mean for me however a whole different outlook. No longer will I make bad choices and go overboard, no longer will I have cravings if my stomach is full (and boy was it ever after my soup with two pieces of bread today!) and no longer will I let myself go backwards, even if I am sick. I have become determined to move forwards instead of standing still or going backwards.

I have decided to go abseiling for my birthday as a renewal/rebirth of myself and am going to tackle my fear of heights (which is funny seeing as I am 6 feet tall) but first on the agenda is to conquer "The Edge" experience in Melbourne whereby I will be standing in a glass elevator that rises to the 88th floor and stops allowing you to see a 360 degree view of Melbourne and makes you think you are standing on nothing at all. It shall be a harrowing experience no doubt but one I need to do before the abseil.

Onwards and Upwards is the correct frame of mind from hereon in.

Until next time,

Anyone Seen Sonya???

Okay, so I must admit I have been hibernating. It is easy to do when you are sick with a chest infection or when you have gained weight. I did both. I've yo-yo weighed over the past couple of months and been sick with the nastiest chest infection ever. I'm still coughing but I am determined to not let it beat me although I really want the weight to come off. I know it is only 800g but I feel awful and I prefer to be thinner. So the plan is to go to Zumba twice a week so that I can get back to my former glory but there needs to be a lot of honesty on my part as far as my points go and also making better choices. As far as my progress has gone, I've not been completely honest and it is something that I know happens to a lot of people when they start sliding backwards. Anyone who says that they don't slide occasionally is either very strong willed or lying. I would really like to do it right. If I can be 80.4 Kg at one point then I can get back there again and smash past it. Some may say that I look okay now and that if I lost more weight it would look extreme but I definitely know that I will be happiest with a bigger buffer zone between what I weigh and what my goal is. I look forward to getting there and I promise to be more honest with all of you but especially myself because as the saying goes:

The only person that's most important to be honest with is yourself.

Until next time,

Welcome to 2010!!!

Hi Everyone!

Well after a hard Christmas/New Year period of trying to keep my weight gains from going sky high, I have managed to get very close to my pre-Christmas weight which has made me as happy as a clam seeing as I worked very hard whilst I was away on holiday in Queensland. I tell you that the choices I made were very good apart from the lunch I had Monday afternoon at Sizzlers which I did not beat myself up over as we had done anywhere up to 6Km walking every day. I lost 1.2Kg this week after coming home and I figured it was a very good effort despite having to decipher menus and come up with ways of keeping myself on track.

Here is a piccy of me standing with the tiger in Dreamworld which was nice as I felt good on this day even though I managed to get a little sunburnt.

The holiday was most enjoyable and having gone from being overweight to the weight I am now meant that I was not afraid to walk around Wet n' Wild in my bikini, I was not afraid of not fitting into the seats of the rollercoasters at the theme parks, I was not afraid of trying every single thrill ride there was. Being thinner meant I could enjoy everything my kids were enjoying without worrying about seats, safety bars or comfort. I saw one overweight lady who had so many problems fitting into one ride and I remember thinking at the time "I feel sorry for her". Who wants to be so overweight that they can't fit into the seat of a ride? It happened to me one year at the Adelaide Royal Show and I can tell you that I died of embarassment because I managed to get in and sit in pain during the ride only to find myself struggling to get out of the seat. It was the first and last time I felt like that. The plane rides were comfortable too, I had room either side of me in my seat which meant I could enjoy my flights without feeling like a beached whale. I also thought about the number of summers where I hadn't coped with the heat yet I was not struggling in the Queensland steamy conditions like I used to. It certainly was an eye opener of a trip. I realised that losing weight had meant so much to me as a person. I will never go back.

Until next time,
