YAY, what an experience!

Hi All,

Well I finally conquered the 10Km walk in the Race 4 Life! I managed to do it in just under 2 hours and I felt like it had been a huge achievement for me. I also met up with the leaders and staff from Weight Watchers for the Weight Watchers Pink Ribbon Lunch which was full of delicious low-point foods before going for another walk. Then I ended up staying in the city to buy Nibblies and some sheets for our bed. Needless to say, when I went to bed I had racked up a massive 20.28Km walk which earnt me 10 bonus points!! I was so stoked!! I can't wait to get on the scales this week and see the results but boy was it a great feeling knowing I had exercised so much!

I am feeling it today however with muscles aching in certain spots but as they say no pain, no gain! I kept thinking to myself that I was doing it all for some special people who I've come across in my life and I figured that if I kept their images in my head it would spur me on to keep going even though some of the inclines around the Torrens were tough going, especially in 36 degree heat. I certainly felt like I had done something special, one in memoriam of one of the people I know who passed away from breast cancer two years ago and one for someone close to me who is currently suffering through the process of chemotherapy. I keep the thought that I only get one shot in life and to make it a fulfilling one as I know that in cruel twists of fate some people don't get the chance to fully live theirs.

To the two ladies I walked for yesterday, I would proudly like to say it was my honour to do it for you.

Until next time,
