On The Road Again.......

Well it has been a long time between drinks and I have to admit that I have once again neglected my weight loss but it only takes for someone you know to have their own lightbulb moment for you to wake up to your own issues and realise you could be seeing yourself up for your own health problems down the track. This happened over the Christmas break and was a scary experience. Tony woke up Christmas morning in complete agony for his first ever got attack. It is the most unpleasant experience for the sufferer and their family. Instead of enjoying the festive season, it was a time of worry. Tony went to see a friend after he had recovered and explained what happened to him. The friend suggested losing weight was good as per the research into the illness had said was helpful but that Tony should join his gym. Or diet was overhauled and we signed up to the gym for a five week trial. After the weeks of losing weight I have managed to lose 3.3kg and have completed my first week alongside Tony at the gym but am spring some stiffness and soreness in my muscles which will improve gradually. Overall not a bad way to begin. Until next time, Sonya
