First Week of ProPoints Done and Dusted!

I have survived my first week and I can honestly say it was sooooo not difficult. It was actually easier than I thought! Tracking again was like finding a long lost teddy bear that you used to love and holding it tight, I couldn't believe how much I had missed doing it. I've also missed walking and can honestly say that it has been good the few times I have gone, but there is definitely something to be said when you have a walking partner.

My walking partner is currently an invalid and can't walk so it has meant that I haven't wanted to leave the house in case he needs something. I know I could go on my own but I feel a little creeped out going by myself in the evening. I used to be at home a lot and walked early morning but at a reasonable hour. I can't really do that now unless I do it in my lunch break and there isn't enough time. I figured I would get up early on Saturday and go for a big, long walk to compensate for not walking during the week.

I've also reconnected with two summer fruits that I adore, strawberries and grapes. I had forgotten how good they could taste on a hot summer's day and have certainly been good at work when I needed something to snack on but don't want to go near the dreaded charity chip box. It is nasty with a capital N.

I'm looking forward to conquering the next week and seeing the results. This first week has been wonderful and I lost my first kilo which I am very proud of. My pants are definitely looser around the legs and I'm loving it. Can't wait to get back to the old me where my pants were super comfy and super baggy. The end is in my sights, even if I do have another 8 kilograms to lose.

One thing I am definitely looking forward to is our Melbourne trip in April on the Easter long weekend. I have actually set myself the goal of being at my goal weight by then, hopefully I will have done that and maybe a little bit more if all goes well. Either way, I want to sashay through the Crown Casino looking ultra sexy, now wouldn't that be nice? ;) I'm sure every woman likes to feel like that and have attention poured on them, it is what makes us feel confident. That confidence almost took a landslide into nowheresville recently but things are looking up!

Until next time,

Funky When Finished


I have started off the year well. Have walked twice in the first two days of the year and am enjoying the momentum. For the first time this year (LOL) I feel really good. I am making good choices with food (ie. Subway for dinner instead of greasy chicken shop food) and am taking steps to ensure that I am drinking enough and snacking on good things like grapes and strawberries. Luckily food shopping is on the agenda tomorrow which means stocking up on fruit, vegetables and skinny cow icecream (yum!) as well as other good fat-fighting foods.

I am going to treat myself tomorrow though and buy myself a new set of scales as the ones in my bathroom are not working as well anymore. They only show my weight and not my fat or water percentages anymore. I also plan on investing in a pedometer and a ProPoints calculator to find out how many ProPoints are in the foods I buy from the supermarket so that I don't make any mistakes when shopping. I would also like to buy some more sports socks so that I have more comfy pairs to go walking in. These little things will help spur me on to keep going with the momentum. I would love to get the pedometer and the calculator tomorrow but will have to settle for Tuesday after work.

I went to church this morning and it was funny but the sermon was all about taking the right path and being challenged. I thought it was most appropriate for me being as it felt like I was being asked to be challenged not only spiritually but within my own life as well. It is funny how sometimes you get given messages that really mean a lot in all facets of your life. It is something I plan on doing this year, putting challenges in place to push myself to achieve more and get where I should be. Let's hope it works!

I definitely have to say that nothing beats walking with nature right at your doorstep. I simply walk a few metres and Mother Nature is hitting me in the face. Behind my house is the most beautiful area complete with walking trails, trees and gorgeous native birds such as sulphur crests, rainbow lorikeets, rosellas and galahs as well as many species of grass parrots and the occasional kookaburra that sing merrily. There is nothing better than listening to them sing in the sunlight. It is why I love living in Australia, so peaceful and so relaxed. It is the best walking trail and conveniently is long enough that I can get a decent walk enjoying Mother Nature at her finest. I look forward to walking tomorrow!

One thing I did do as a way of feeling good about myself to start 2011 with was a new haircut. It was definitely needed after having the same hairstyle for 20 years. I definitely feel fresher with the new 'do and love the waviness of my hair which I used to hate previously. I think with my new hairstyle and losing the weight I put on, I should look very funky when finished.

Until next time!

New Year = New Me

I survived New Years Eve by not drinking anything except sugar free soft drink, eating fruit and relaxing with the attitude that if I wanted to make sure I lost weight then it needed to continue, even with the celebrations happening.

The motto for me for the new year is "New Year = New Me". I intend to stick to this motto and ensure that my weight loss heads in the right direction. I have stuck to my guns and eaten right today even though the day is not over but I have not gone and eaten things that would harm my progress as I want to maintain the momentum and keep going.

The mindset I have at the moment is what is keeping me focused despite the lightbulb moment I had two days ago which really showed me just how bad things had gotten. When I looked at my tracker online to see what I weighed last before the other day I was shocked to find that on the 20th of October I was 3.2Kg lighter. This showed that I had headed into the danger zone and needed to change things before I went past the point of being in control.

Although I haven't exercised at all in the past 2 days I have maintained a healthy attitude towards my eating and have recognised the hunger signals when they have occurred. Instead of just mindless eating which leads me onto a bad path, I am simply drinking more which has definitely shown the bad choices I was making on my face. I have so many small unobtrusive pimples that I can see when I stand in the bathroom and turn my face towards the sunlit window. To know that I had abused my body was gut-wrenching. That is now going to change.

This year is the year of change, in many ways. Let's hope it's a fun ride!

Until next time,
