Anyone Seen Sonya???

Okay, so I must admit I have been hibernating. It is easy to do when you are sick with a chest infection or when you have gained weight. I did both. I've yo-yo weighed over the past couple of months and been sick with the nastiest chest infection ever. I'm still coughing but I am determined to not let it beat me although I really want the weight to come off. I know it is only 800g but I feel awful and I prefer to be thinner. So the plan is to go to Zumba twice a week so that I can get back to my former glory but there needs to be a lot of honesty on my part as far as my points go and also making better choices. As far as my progress has gone, I've not been completely honest and it is something that I know happens to a lot of people when they start sliding backwards. Anyone who says that they don't slide occasionally is either very strong willed or lying. I would really like to do it right. If I can be 80.4 Kg at one point then I can get back there again and smash past it. Some may say that I look okay now and that if I lost more weight it would look extreme but I definitely know that I will be happiest with a bigger buffer zone between what I weigh and what my goal is. I look forward to getting there and I promise to be more honest with all of you but especially myself because as the saying goes:

The only person that's most important to be honest with is yourself.

Until next time,
