Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!!!!!

I am so excited I am bouncing off of the walls today!!!!!

Why am I so excited you ask???? Well, I went to weigh in today and got such a whopping result I did a double-take in disbelief! I lost a massive 2.1Kg in one week!!!!! How did I do that?!?!

I can tell you that any form of tracking is going to keep you honest and accountable for everything that goes into your mouth. It also keeps you in check with what sorts of foods you are eating and how you are going in terms of progress. I do online tracking with Weight Watchers and being able to track my food and exercise exactly is so good because I can add in the foods I have eaten, even if they are homemade!

I have also stopped eating things that have gotten me into trouble many times before. I have developed a love of strawberries which have been the most awesome snack because they make me feel full and also adding fish into my diet has helped enormously. I always lose weight when I eat tuna and this week was no exception, having had a tuna steak for dinner on Monday night. I also ate my points, every single last one of them.

Anyone who is struggling out there needs to evaluate their efforts and look at what they are eating because it can have a huge impact, particularly counting any bites or licks that normally you wouldn't have given a second thought to. I can honestly say that by making a few changes I have managed a wonderful result this week and I am celebrating the only way I know how, by setting myself another challenge to get a good result the next time I weigh in.

Until next time,

I have been hiding......

From myself. I've been hibernating in the vain hope that denial will help me ignore the fact that I've been yo-yoing instead of losing weight. I've done so much sabotage and damage that I have turned the corner in time for a new month, a new me and in time for the new year. I weighed in last week and was disgusted with myself for allowing a 1.3Kg gain in 3 weeks. I knew I had done it to myself and that I could only blame myself, not the food for not doing what I know is best for me and my body. I have turned the corner though and have gone back to basics such as using my online tracker like a watchdog, using my journal to record mood swings, food thoughts and anything else I can think of, making sure my breakfast is not coffee and toast which seems to make me not cope, definitely seen it this week as I have been irritable from lack of caffeine. This is not a bad thing however, my caffeine intake has maintained a constant dehydrated feeling which in itself is not good for anyone. So it has been a case of a complete 180 degree about face turn to try and reverse the damage done and get back to my former glory.

In order to assist that change I have decided to try Zumba classes, a South American dance class of high intensity that will see me sweat the kilos away hopefully and the opportunity to go to a Latin American class plus doing some swimming afterwards! I'm sure to start the process of weight loss in a good way and it will give me the incentive to keep going.

At this time of year it is difficult to keep the kilos off, especially when things like work dinners are on, such is the case tomorrow night, but having picked the restaurant myself (hehe!), I have planned in advance what I am eating thanks to the menu being available for perusal and kept within my allowance for the day thanks to some well saved bonus points! All up the night will not hurt me as much as initially first thought and I get dessert too! Also Christmas Day is looming and with 18 guests and luckily being held at my house means I am telling everyone what to bring! The year is finishing on a very busy note!!!

I hope all of you have a very lovely Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year! Hopefully I will get to tell you guys all about my week before Christmas comes along!

Until next time,
