What Happened????

Okay, can someone please explain to me what happened? One minute I was blissfully living in the world of the skinny whereby I was a healthy weight and everything was going good. In the last year I have piled on the kilos - 10 to be exact and feeling very down about it.

I've looked at the new Weight Watchers ProPoints information and am getting back to the old me again by re-evaluating what I am eating, what I am doing and how I am doing it. Gone are the trips to the fat lane and back to the "losing weight" lane. I can't deny that I have not been blinded by food and the "I am thin" mentality when really I can see the muffin top in the mirror after doing up my favourite pants only to find them a little tight. Luckily I am a person who puts weight on all over but sometimes that can be a curse when you can't see the kilos from the scales on your body.

So it is back to the drawing board and let's hope that I can salvage my body back to the beginning when I was a beautiful 80.4Kg and looked wonderful instead of the person I see in the mirror now. I am angry with myself for not paying attention, for sliding back, for denying I was putting on weight, but let's face it, there is no denying it now. I simply must get back to my former shape so that I can feel sexy again, particularly seeing as I am close to mid-30s and will gradually get to the stage where losing weight is a lot harder than before.

So for now I admit I am human and have the same failings as everyone else and get right back on the wagon that I fell off of and rejoin the world of the Weight Watchers Slimmers Club.

Until the next installment,
