Operation Get Me Back Week 4

Sorry everyone I have been MIA but have been slowly recovering from a nasty headcold which is slowly clearing up. As for Operation Get Me Back, it has slowly been happening. Some little changes here and there (like going shopping!!!!) has helped me heaps, I feel more together than ever. I also have been tracking this week just to see how I am going and to work out if I'm still sticking to the plan. I'm pleased to report that I've not only been sticking to the plan but have been exercising on and off too. I prefer to park as far away from the shopping centre door as I can and walk the distance before scooting down aisles or around the massive square that is my mini-mall! It is fantastic to walk into a store I've always wanted to shop at and find cute little tops to wear with jeans, pants and skirts. I've enjoyed looking!! Tony reckons he is going to buy me a pair of short denim shorts for summer (heaven forbid!)as he is seeing the confidence I have gotten mixing and matching my wardrobe! My mother in law thinks I am a thinspiration and has decided to tackle her own weight (which is a small amount - lucky her!) and has decided to try and encourage her friends too who are all feeling gloomy about themselves, as we do in winter! I have maintained that seeing as I started close to winter, it is no time to slack off or become down about things. My house is now something I am proud of, I am able to clean up with my new vacuum cleaner, bake scrumptious low point dishes such as my vegetable bake in my new oven and make other items using my new breadmaker, which reminds me, a loaf needs to be made today!

I've spent time with people who have not known where to start improving themselves and have gotten lost along the way in their journey to trim down with Weight Watchers. Luckily I was able to point them in the right direction by getting their hair cut and coloured, nothing drastic, just a trim and a different shade than normal, talk to an expert in skin care to help their skin on their face radiate as they age, wear makeup to enhance their best features such as their eyes or lips, walk a lot to help with weight loss, something that is easy to do but something we all forget about when we have busy lives and also think about the positives which are within themselves. If everyone were to look at each area one at a time and change a few things, it is amazing to see the transformation in a person as they gain more confidence.

The other issue most people find difficult is buying clothes to hide the lumps and bumps as you slim down, buy clothes which make you look thinner, wear clothing that enhances the features you are semi-happy with at the moment but you know could do with slimming down a little more and also buying clothes which don't clash with eye or hair colour. These simple yet effective tips can dramatically make a person go from frump to fab in a matter of minutes but it is taking the first step which is the hardest. If ever you are unsure as to how to wear a particular piece of clothing, don't be afraid to ask the sales assistant to help you work it out and they may even suggest other items such as accessories to accentuate the look.

Until next time,
