SO, I fell off of the wagon big time! My last post with trying to get back to how I was, was dated 2013! How the heck did it get so bad that I am doing Weight Watchers again?! I really wanted to keep it off but it didn't happen. Now I am doing the program (again!) to lose the weight I have gained. Not entirely happy but I figure that if I do it again properly with a different motivation and not such a frenetic pace I should lose the weight no problems. My weight is an issue because of my knees. They ache so much when I exercise that I have had to modify the exercise I am doing and also re-think what my goal should be. I have opted for 5 kilos under goal weight because it gives me a nice buffer if I slip up and also because it is close to the weight I was pre-pregnancy. It also means that I will not burden my knees too much either. I am not focusing religiously on the numbers, I am doing what works for me. I have been doing this now for 8 weeks and yet again am seeing results. I realise that now and again the numbers will not co-operate. That is ok, as long as I keep moving forward. It might be slow, I may even go slightly backwards at times but as long as I stay focused on achieving my goal at a pace that is sustainable then I am winning. I have to say that I am focusing more on being physically fit as I lose weight. Instead of punishing myself in a gym and causing myself more agony I have opted for a different exercise approach. I am doing aqua aerobics or lap swimming and ten pin bowling in a league. These two exercises allow my knee to not have to take too much pressure and allow me to have fun. I have also experimented with ice skating, dancing and walking but find that depending on what I am walking for find it way too intense and my knee aches for a long time after. This is a really big shame as walking was my favourite form of exercise and something I could do without money. It is now too high impact and will no longer be feasible. I am looking forward to getting slimmer once more with a gala event in Melbourne being my motivation to at least look fabulous in a glitzy frock. My only obstacle at the moment is which frock to wear! One requires minor alterations as I lose weight in my breasts and from my back. The other dress requires loss of weight in my hip and waist area. The "girls" are needed to ensure the dress is filled out properly. I have taken to op shopping or "opping" as it is known in order to fill the wardrobe requirements as I slim down and also give me some goals to work towards (like a certain LBD on the Saturday night of my planned anniversary weekend) so that I stay focused. Ultimately I want to lose the weight but I also want to be fitter. As I get older it is more important to be toned as certain areas start to have a "floppy" appearance such as my belly. I want to be fit and fabulous in my forties, not flabby and frail in my forties. Here's to being a success!
